12.99 GBP
Codewave's Nail Sets.
- Our brand new nail sets script have arrived!
- Buy materials to craft all different types of nail sets.
- A fully custom built UI for both store, Crafting menu.
- A fully custom built client phone built for selling the items you craft!
- A unique way to sell the products, By delivering them all across the city!
- Custom built in messages inspired by imessages!
- NPC Selling using a command a great way for players to build their money up to buy a client phone!
- Built for both ESX & QBCORE
- A awesome config file so you can add more items & locations!
- And more check out our video on youtube for a more detailed view!
PREVIEW CAN BE FOUND HERE | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBiKVP7guIw